“你有权保持沉默,但你所说的都将成为呈堂证供”,这是我们在港片中经常听到的阿Sir的标志性逼格用语。今天我们就追根溯源到真正的米兰达警告并澄清几个误区。MirandaWarnings米兰达警告Mirandawarnings is the right against self-incrimination guarded by the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution....
President Xi Jinping holds a summit with US President Joe Biden at the Filoli Estate, a country house approximately 40 kilometers south of San Francisco, California, on Wednesday.近日,习近平主席同美国总统拜登在斐洛里庄园举行会晤。今天就让我们一起了解一下美国总统都有哪些重要的权力吧。&nb...
有落水者求救,就算你是奥运游泳冠军,也没有义务去救Generally, one does not have a legal duty to rescue. For example, some Olympic swimmers are walking by a lake and notice a child drowning. There is no duty for the swimmers to rescue the child. However, if you undertake to aid someone else, you...